Personal Files Book 16, 3 September - 9 October 1917

Accession Number RCDIG0000623
Collection number 3DRL/2316
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 119
Object type Papers
Physical description 202 Image/s captured
Maker Monash, John
Place made Belgium, France
Date made 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

File of papers relating to the First World War service of Major General John Monash, 3rd Australian Division. This file, originally part of Book 16, covers 3 September 1917 to 9 October 1917 and includes documents relating to the preparation and execution of 3rd Division actions at the Battle of Broodseinde. The documents provide information on tactical deployment of troops, notes on the training of soldiers for the offensive and messages from the 4 October describing the success of the operation, particularly in regard to the capture of German soldiers. Of further note is a manifesto from Prime Minister Hughes regarding the conscription question, a letter from Headquarters, Second Army, describing the Battle of Broodseinde as "the biggest of the war" and correspondence between Monash, Major Wells and Major General James McCay regarding the quality of training delivered at Grantham Machine Gun School.
This file contains:
List of commanders for the 49th Division, 7th Division, NZ Division and 3rd Australian Division, 3 September 1917;
Notes on American Visit, 3 September 1917;
Letter from Major General, 3rd Australian Division to D.A.G, AIF, Attached 1st ANZAC, 4 September 1917 [Copy];
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Farmar to 'My Dear General', 5 September 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference, 5 September 1917;
Sketch of objectives for ANZACs, 5 September 1917;
Table showing Unit, Rank, Name, D.O.B. and present appointment of commanding officers in the 3rd Australian Division, 8 September 1917;
Note from Monash to D.A.G, AIF, Attached 1st ANZAC, 8 September 1917;
Letter from Brigadier General Delavoye to Monash, 9 September 1917;
Ticket to Concours Hippique Tournament, 9 September 1917;
Program for the Concours Hippique Equestrian show, in French, 9 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to D.A.G, AIF, Attached 1st ANZAC, 10 September 1917;
Poem about Messines, 10 September 1917;
Document titled 'Further Notes on Training and Preparation for Offensive Operations', issued by Major General Harington, 10 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ, 2nd ANZAC, 11 September 1917;
Notification of 2nd ANZAC Horse Show, 11 September 1917;
General Staff Circular No. 58A for the 3rd Australian Division, 12 September 1917 [Copy];
Table displaying 'Dispositions and Frontages: Divisional Frontage 1200 Yards', 12 September 1917;
Postcard from 'Marie' to Monash, written in French, 20 August 1917;
Letter from Monash to D.A.G, AIF, Attached 1st ANZAC, 13 September 1917;
Circular Memorandum No. 64 for the 3rd Australian Division, 13 September 1917;
Program for Sports Meeting held by the 3rd Australian Pioneer Battalion, 13 September 1917;
Notes on R.S.M, 14 September 1917;
Notes for October Offensive, 14 September 1917;
Outline for 2nd ANZAC Horse Show, 15 September 1917;
Notes on the 74th Brigade and Tactics in Attack, 15 September 1917;
List of Station Code Calls, 15 September 1917;
Program for 2nd ANZAC Horse Show, 15 September 1917;
Notes for messages to Corps HQ, 16 September 1917;
Message from Major General, 3rd Australian Division to HQ, 2nd ANZAC, 16 September 1917;
Table for Officers Recommended for Command and Staff Appointments for the 3rd Australian Division, contains information on Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 16 September 1917;
Instructions on Pack Transport, contains organisation for the 11th Australian Infantry Brigade Exercise, 17 September 1917;
Notes from Conference of Brigadiers, 17 September 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference, 18 September 1917;
Letter from Lieutenant Wedd to D.M.G.O. 3rd Australian Division, 18 September 1917;
Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Grimwade to Monash, 18 September 1917;
Message from D.M.G.O 3rd Australian Division to HQ, 3rd Australian Division, 19 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to Major General McCay, 20 September 1917;
Special Divisional Routine Order, issued by Monash, 20 September 1917;
Notes issued with Special Divisional Routine Order No. 1409, 20 September 1917;
Notes for Staff for Commander-In-Chief's Parade on the 22nd September, 21 September 1917;
Sketch of Positions on Parade, [date unknown];
Special Order of the Day issued by Sir Haig, 22 September 1917;
Letter from Captain Pyke to Captain Morell, includes table of 'most recent demands from the 3rd Australian Division', 23 September 1917;
General Staff Circular No. 59A for the 3rd Australian Division, includes diagrams on possible battalion arrangements, 23 September 1917;
Message from 'H.W.H' with messages from A.D.M.S, 23 September 1917;
General Staff Circular No. 60A for the 3rd Australian Division, 23 September 1917;
Message from HQ, AIF Depots to Monash, 24 September 1917;
Document titled 'Address in the Field' on the 'Duties of an Officer, Knowledge and Character', 24 September 1917;
Notes Obtained from G.S.Os' Visit to Forward Areas on 21st September, 24 September 1917;
Notes on Artillery at Disposal of 2nd ANZAC, 24 September 1917;
Message from 35th Division to 3rd Australian Division, 24 September 1917;
Table for Officers Recommended for Command and Staff Appointments for the 3rd Australian Division, contains information on Lieutenant Colonel Farmar, 24 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ 35th Division, 25 September 1917;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to 35th Division, 25 September 1917;
Notes on organisation of Brigade, 25 September 1917;
List of O.Cs for 3rd Division and 66th Division, British Army, 25 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ, 2nd ANZAC, 26 September 1917;
Plan for Jigsaw Puzzle from 'Walter' exchanged at Menin Gate, and to consist of 256 pieces, 27 September 1917;
Letter from Monash to Major Wells, 27 September 1917;
Abbreviations and explanations for Ypres Offensive, 29 September 1917;
List of discussion items with Army Commanders, 30 September 1917;
Notes for Conference with 10th and 11th Brigades, 30 September 1917;
Manifesto to Australian Soldiers, from Prime Minister Hughes, October 1917;
List of personnel at HQ for 1st ANZAC, 2nd ANZAC, 3rd Australian Division and 2nd Australian Division, October 1917;
Table displaying Moves of Units into Battle by Position, Moves, Days and Nights, 1 October 1917;
Letter from HQ, AIF Depots in UK to Monash, 1 October 1917;
Notes from the Corps Conference, 2 October 1917;
3rd Australian Division Barrage Map, signed by Monash, 2 October 1917;
Letter from HQ Second Army to Monash, 3 October 1917;
Note from 3rd Australian Division to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Note on the identification of prisoners, 4 October 1917;
Note to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Note to 2nd ANZAC stating that 'all apparently going well up forward', 4 October 1917;
Message from Monash to HQ, 3rd Australian Division, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message from Monash to 2nd ANZAC and NZ Division, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC and Tank Divisions reporting that 'red line' captured on whole of division front, 4 October 1917;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, Tank Divisions and 11th Brigade reporting the capture of Beecham, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, Tank Divisions, 9th, 10th and 11th Brigades, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC and Tank Divisions, 4 October 1917;
Message to 10th and 11th Brigades, 4 October 1917;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message to 10th and 11th Brigades, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message from 3rd Australian Division to 2nd ANZAC, states that over 320 prisoners have passed through, 4 October 1917;
Message to 9th Brigade, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC and Tank Divisions reporting counter attack, 'in 3 waves', 4 October 1917;
Message from Monash to 10th Brigade, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, reports that Lieutenant Cane, 40th Battalion, captured 31 prisoners 'single handed from one blockhouse without firing a shot', 4 October 1917;
Note to 2nd ANZAC estimating number of prisoners captured to be 800, 4 October 1917;
Message to 11th Brigade, 4 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC, 9th, 10th and 11th Brigades, expected enemy dead at 450, 4 October 1917;
Message to 10th and 11th Brigades, 4 October 1917;
Letter from Brigadier General Foott to Monash, 4 October 1917;
Extract from 2nd ANZAC Intelligence, 4 October 1917;
Message from 2nd ANZAC to 3rd Australian Division, 4 October 1917;
Message from 3rd Division to 3rd Australian Division, 4 October 1917;
Message from General Hobbs to Monash, 4 October 1917;
Letter from Major Wells to Monash, 5 October 1917;
A.Q Report by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 5 October 1917;
Statistics for 'Total signal traffic through 3rd Australian Division HQ', 5 October 1917;
Message to 2nd ANZAC providing information on number of weapons captured, 5 October 1917;
Special Order issued by Monash, 5 October 1917;
Instructions on move of 3rd Australian Division HQ, 5 October 1917;
Message from B.G.Q to AYCR, 5 October 1917;
2nd Army Summary of Operations during period of 27th September to 4th October, issued by Lieutenant Colonel Robertson, 6 October 1917;
Notes from Corps Conference, 7 October 1917;
Agenda for Corps Conference, 7 October 1917;
Notes for Final Conference for Passchendaele Battle, 8 October 1917;
Note on area for offensive, 8 October 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ 2nd ANZAC, 8 October 1917;
Document titled 'Lesson from Battle of 4th October', issued by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, 8 October 1917;
Document titled 'Narrative of Part Played by Units in Battle of 4th October', 9 October 1917;
Note to B.G.G.S, 9 October 1917;
Letter from Monash to HQ 2nd ANZAC, 9 October 1917.