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23 Results
AWM323 6 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 1 July to 16 July 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 7 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 17 July to 30 July 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 5 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 16 June to 30 June 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 4 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 1 June to 15 June 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 3 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 17 May 1995 - 31 May 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 2 - [Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) II - Daily Sitreps [Situation Reports] 3 May 1995 to 16 May 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM366 50 - [Australian Defence Force Peacekeeping Centre] A Report on the Health Service Support Lessons of Operation TAMAR [Rwanda]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 16 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force in Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit Diary - Visitors - [Official Visitors Book for ASC 2 UNAMIR II]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 11 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [ASC 2 CO's Diary Lt Col D S Roche]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 9/1 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [ASC I COs diary LT Col P McIntosh] 25 Jul 1994 to 16 Dec 1994
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 15 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [HQ ASC1 Capt B J Shaw Adjutant]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 13 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [Legal Officer Maj C McConoghy]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 14 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [Operations Support Company WO2 P Young CSM]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM323 12 - Australian Service Contingent, UNAMIR II - Australian Medical Support Force to Rwanda - Personal/Sub-Unit diary [SO 2 PR Maj P Seaman]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM330 PKI/107/82 - [Official History of Australian Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Post-Cold War Operations - VOLUME IV - Rwanda] UNAMIR – Australian Contingent [ASC] nominal rolls, 26 July 1994-27 July 1995
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM277 409 - [Records of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (RA Sigs):] Cable manufacture - Rwanda - Panafax - Compucat - FDT - Modems
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM260 11/2 - [The United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR II): CO AS MSF [Commanding Officer Australian Medical Suport Force] Diary - 17 December 1994 - February 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM260 11/3 - [The United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR II): CO [Commanding Officer] Diary from 21 February 1995 to August 1995]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM260 11/4 - [The United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR II): CO [Commanding Officer] In/Out file]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
AWM260 11/5 - [The United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR II): Correspondence out]
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence