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- Rwanda (UNAMIR), 1993 - 1996 (1)
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- Africa: Egypt, Cairo (13)
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- Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Halmahera Island, Morotai Island (12)
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- Africa: Egypt (11)
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- North & Central America: Canada, Alberta, Edmonton (11)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Narrandera (11)
- Oceania: New Guinea1 (11)
- Oceania: New Guinea1, Papua New Guinea, Papua, Milne Bay (11)
- Asia: Burma (10)
- Asia: Malaya (10)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Lincolnshire, Binbrook (10)
- Oceania: New Guinea, Port Moresby (10)
- Mediterranean: Malta (9)
- North & Central America: Canada, Alberta, Calgary (9)
- North & Central America: Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax (9)
- North & Central America: United States of America (9)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, Brisbane (9)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Benalla (9)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne, Laverton (9)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Perth (9)
- Approximate locations: At sea (8)
- Asia: India (8)
- Europe: United Kingdom, Scotland (8)
- Middle East: British Mandate of Palestine, Palestine (8)
- North & Central America: Canada, Ontario, Ottawa (8)
- Oceania: Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra (8)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Parkes (8)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Cunderdin (8)
- Africa: North Africa, Western Desert (7)
- Asia: India, Calcutta (7)
- Europe: Gibraltar (7)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Gloucestershire, Moreton-in-Marsh (7)
- North & Central America: Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg (7)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Deniliquin (7)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Evans Head (7)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Temora (7)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Adelaide (7)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Mallala (7)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Geraldton (7)
- Africa: Egypt, Alexandria (6)
- Africa: Namibia (6)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya (6)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area, Tobruk (6)
- Asia: Ceylon (6)
- Asia: Japan (6)
- Asia: Korea (6)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Buckinghamshire (6)
- North & Central America: Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge (6)
- North & Central America: United States of America, New York (6)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Cootamundra (6)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Narromine (6)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, Mascot (6)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Tocumwal (6)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, Ipswich, Amberley (6)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, North Queensland, Cairns (6)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Mount Gambier (6)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Port Pirie (6)
- Africa: North Africa (5)
- Africa: Rhodesia (5)
- Africa: South Africa, Natal, Durban (5)
- Asia: Borneo, Tarakan (5)
- Asia: India, Bombay (5)
- Asia: Singapore (5)
- Europe: Norway (5)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Lincolnshire (5)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Norfolk, Feltwell (5)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Nottinghamshire, Wigsley (5)
- North & Central America: Canada, Manitoba, Rivers (5)
- North & Central America: Canada, Quebec, Montreal (5)
- North & Central America: Canada, Saskatchewan, Mossbank (5)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Rathmines (5)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Tamworth (5)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Wagga Wagga (5)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, Brisbane, Archerfield (5)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia (5)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Perth, Pearce (5)
- Oceania: New Guinea (5)
- Oceania: New Guinea1, Papua New Guinea, Papua, Papuan Islands, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Goodenough Island (5)
- Africa: Tunisia (4)
- Asia: Borneo (4)
- Asia: Malaysia, Labuan (4)
- Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Java (4)
- Asia: Timor (4)
- Europe (4)
maker (100)
- Royal Australian Air Force (24)
- Various (17)
- Commonwealth of Australia (7)
- Australian Military Forces (5)
- Royal Air Force (5)
- Commonwealth Government of Australia (3)
- Department of Air (3)
- Unknown (3)
- Australian Defence Force (2)
- Baker, John Henry (2)
- Caldwell, Clive Robertson (2)
- Fenton, Maurice E (2)
- Hughes, Paterson Clarence (2)
- McKay, James Frederick (Fred) (2)
- Schrock, Arthur Reginald Britton (2)
- Smooker, Lindsay Blackwell (2)
- Thompson, Daryl (2)
- 458 Squadron Association (1)
- Abraham, Walter V (1)
- Adams, Harold Victor (1)
- Alcock, Geoffrey Trevor (1)
- Alcorn, Gordon Charles (1)
- Allan, Fergus Alister (1)
- Allsopp, William Arthur (1)
- Anderson, Leslie Dean (Jock) (1)
- Anderson, Louis Tregillis Ross (1)
- Archer, John Sims (1)
- Ashbolt, Harry Shepherdson (1)
- Ashes, Vernon Warwick (1)
- Australian Government (1)
- Bairstow, John Leslie (1)
- Baker, J J (1)
- Banks, William Gisbert (1)
- Barker, John Norman (1)
- Bartholomew, Alfred William (1)
- Bartlett, Hallett Robertson (Hal) (1)
- Becker, Henry C (1)
- Beeson, John Leslie (1)
- Betts, Trevor Howard (1)
- Bigelow, James Edgar (1)
- Binks, A J (1)
- Birchall, Frederick George (1)
- Bird, Kenneth Harold (1)
- Blacket, Geoffrey Caleb (1)
- Blackwell, Arthur Frederick (1)
- Bobin, Alfred (1)
- Boland, Clinton Frank Hubert (1)
- Bonfire Blondie & Peggy (1)
- Bostock, William Dowling (1)
- Bowman, Alan Wollaston (1)
- Bracey, Harold Pearce (1)
- Bradley, Thomas Bolger (1)
- Brady, Michael Vincent (1)
- Brockhurst, Raymond Maxwell (1)
- Brodie, Ian George (1)
- Brown, Roye Wilmott (1)
- Bruce, Robert Dickson (1)
- Burgess, W (Bill) (1)
- Burnham, James Leslie (1)
- Burrows, Wilfrid Gordon (1)
- Butler, N (1)
- Cadd, Kenneth Francis (1)
- Callanan, Edmund James Neville (1)
- Capron, Donald Ellis (1)
- Carr, Palgrave Ebden (1)
- Cave, Sidney Frederick (1)
- Chapman, Dixie Robison (1)
- Chinn, David Alexander (1)
- Chote, Keith (1)
- Clabburn, Garth Edward Sommerville (1)
- Clancy, Edward Vincent Bond (1)
- Clarkson, John F (1)
- Clayton, William Thomas (1)
- Clegg, Charles E (1)
- Coates, John Edward (1)
- Cochrane, P N (1)
- Cockram, John Crothers (1)
- Coldham, Peter Abernethy (1)
- Connely, Harold Frederick (1)
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- Cook, Kevin Darcy (1)
- Copeman, Herbert Arthur (1)
- Cowan-Hunt, James George (1)
- Craigen, George Percy (1)
- Crocker, Willis (1)
- Cubitt, Lewin S (1)
- Curtis, Alan L (1)
- Dacy, Desmond Joseph (1)
- Darke, Roy Harry (1)
- Davies, Robert Edward (1)
- Davis, Irvine Leslie (1)
- Dawson, Brian (1)
- Dawson, Leslie Royce 'Smoky' (1)
- Dawson, Neville Roy (1)
- Daymond, Bruce Cunynghame (1)
- De Medici, John Royston (1)
- Delaveaux (1)
- Desmond, Jack (1)
- Deutscher, Christopher Joseph (1)
- Dick, George Turnbull (1)
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413 Results
Abraham, Walter V (Flying Officer, RAAF, Attached Air Industry Section HQ, USAaf b.1923)
Private Record
Maker: Abraham, Walter V
Manuscript titled `AIRIND in retrospect: a RAAF contribution to Allied Intelligence 1942-1945'. Describes the establishment and operations of Air Industry Section, an Allied Research Intelligence unit...PR89/052
Adams, Harold Victor (Warrant Officer, b.1917 - d.2010)
Private Record
Maker: Adams, Harold Victor Royal Australian Air Force
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 11061 Warrant Officer Harold Victor Adams, 43 Squadron, 112 Air-Sea Rescue Squadron, and 20 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia and N...PR05173
Air Operations Room Communications
Private Record
Signal ordering the cancellation of all operations against the enemy, sent on the 14th August 1945.PR00541
Alcock, Geoffrey Trevor (Warrant Officer, b.1924 - d.2003)
Private Record
Maker: Alcock, Geoffrey Trevor
Collection relating to the Second World War service of A4426 Warrant Officer Geoffrey Trevor Alcock, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, United Kingdom and Malaya, 1943-1952. Wallet 1 of 1 – Consi...AWM2017.17.1
Alcorn, Gordon Charles (Warrant Officer, b.1923 - d.2011)
Private Record
Maker: Alcorn, Gordon Charles
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 421289 Warrant Officer Gordon Charles Alcorn, 354 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, Canada, England and India, 1941-1945. Wallet ...PR04564
Allan, Fergus Alister (Pilot Officer, b.1917 - d.1942)
Private Record
Maker: Allan, Fergus Alister
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 401265 Pilot Officer Fergus Alister Allan, 70 Operational Training Unit, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, Egypt and Kenya, 1941-1943. Wall...AWM2019.1052.1
Allsopp, William Arthur (Sergeant, b.1918 - d.1942)
Private Record
Maker: Allsopp, William Arthur
Collection relating to 411063 Sergeant (Sgt) William Arthur (Bill) Allsopp, who as a member of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), served with 35 Squadron Royal Air Force (RAF) until his death in a...PR05361
Anderson, Leslie Dean (Jock) (Pilot Officer, b.1923 - d.1944)
Private Record
Maker: Anderson, Leslie Dean (Jock)
Collection relating to the Second World War service of Pilot Officer Leslie Dean Anderson, 466 Squadron RAAF. Collection consists of a letter written by Anderson on 4 June 1943 from London, describin...3DRL/0508
Anderson, Louis Tregillis Ross (Flight Lieutenant, b.1905 - d.1984)
Private Record
Maker: Anderson, Louis Tregillis Ross
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 263500 Flight Lieutenant Louis Tregillis Ross Anderson, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, early 1970s. This collection consists of one memo...AWM2017.1146.1
Andrews, Harold Wake (Corporal, b.1907 - d.1979)
Private Record
Maker: Royal Australian Air Force
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 28055 Corporal Harold Wake Andrews, 7 Royal Australian Air Force Hospital, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, 1944-1945. Wallet 1 of 1 – Con...PR05858
Archer, J S (Flying Officer, RAAF)
Private Record
Maker: Archer, John Sims
Army signal advising that a Wirraway aircraft has show down Japanese "Zero" in the vicinity of Gona, 26 December 1942. The pilot of the Wirraway was later identified as being 409285 Pilot Officer John...EXDOC139
Ashbolt, Harry Sheperdson (Flight Sergeant, b.1922 – d. 1944)
Private Record
Maker: Ashbolt, Harry Shepherdson Australian Military Forces
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 415064 Flight Sergeant Harry Sheperdson Ashbolt, 31 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, 1941-1944. Wallet 1 of 1 – Consists of one ...PR05212
Ashes, Vernon Warwick (Flight Lieutenant, DFC, 101 Sqn RAF, RAAF b.1922)
Private Record
Maker: Ashes, Vernon Warwick
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 424646 Flight Lieutenant Vernon Warwick Ashes DFC, 101 Squadron RAAF. Collection consists of three notebooks kept by Ashes, photocopy of extract...3DRL/7680
Australian Flying Corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association (ACT Division)
Private Record
Administrative papers of the ACT Division of the Association including minutes books, general correspondence with the Air Force Association (Federal level), Battle of Britain commemorative service arr...PR88/112
Australian War Memorial Korean War Oral History Project, 2001-2002
Private Record
Maker: Chinn, David Alexander Fogarty, William 'Bill' Lawrance
Collection of background papers compiled by David Chinn, of the Australian War Memorial Oral History Program, 2001-2002. The background papers were submitted by interviewees from the Korean War: Briga...PR04036
Baines, Ronald Prior (Flight Lieutenant, b.1919)
Private Record
Two manuscripts entitled "A wartime log" & "Shock 1942" written by Flight Lieutenant Ronald Baines. Baines flew Hurricanes in North Africa until shot down in November 1942 and taken prisoner by the G...PR01651
Bairstow, John Leslie (Jack) (Pilot Officer, b.1918 - d.1944)
Private Record
Maker: Bairstow, John Leslie
Letters and airgraphs written by RAAF no. 427632 Pilot Officer John (Jack) Leslie Bairstow to his mother Mrs L.K. Bairstow of Tillellan Farm, Wagin, WA. Bairstow served in the 13 Field Coy Royal Austr...PR00760
Baker, J J (Regimental Sergeant Major, 1st RAAF Inf Regt)
Private Record
Maker: Baker, J J
Baker, John Henry (Flight Lieutenant, b.1920 - d.2010)
Private Record
Maker: Baker, John Henry
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 409982 Flight Lieutenant John Henry Baker, 100 Squadron and 32 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia and New Guinea, 1942-1948. Wallet...PR04873
Baker, John Henry (Flight Lieutenant, b.1920 - d.2010)
Private Record
Maker: Baker, John Henry
Collection relating to the Second World War service of 409982 Flight Lieutenant John Henry Baker, 100 Squadron and 32 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Australia, 1942-1944. Wallet 1 of 1...PR06319