Kota Bharu, Malaya, April 1941. Group Portrait of No 8 Squadron, RAAF, "C" Flight. Front Row (L ...

Place Asia: Malaya, Kelantan, Kota Bharu
Accession Number 045240
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Kota Bharu, Malaya, April 1941. Group Portrait of No 8 Squadron, RAAF, "C" Flight. Front Row (L to R): Pilot Officer (PO) W. E. Mackay; 475 Flying Officer (FO, later Flight Lieutenant)) Robert George Arnold (lost on operations over Malaya on 18 January, 1942); 260656 FO (later Squadron Leader) Gilbert Bryce Dart Roxburgh (lost on operations over Timor on 09 May, 1944); 0378 Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Wilfred Norman Lampe; 0366 (217) Flt Lt Andrew Dill Henderson; 378 Flt Lt Allen Keith Maynard; 0313 FO Herbert Clarence Plenty; 560 FO James Harold Ryley Marshall; 290621 FO (later Wing Commander) James Patrick Ryan (killed in an accident in the Northern Territory on 11 September, 1945); 290667 FO Henry Archdale Robertson. Second Row (L to R):400259 Sergeant (Sgt) John McNeill (lost on operations over Singapore on 18 January, 1942); Sgt Doug Scott; Sgt Bill Pitman; Sgt W. Malcolm; Sgt Charlie Price; Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt) Len McLeay; Flt Sgt Fred Bibby; Sgt Ron Quick; Corporal (Cpl) Harry Plummer; Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Jimmy Boyle; LAC Ernie Turkington. Third Row (L to R): Sgt Morey; Sgt Read Loy (MYRNA); Sgt Bill Jacobson; Sgt George Ferguson; LAC Craig; LAC Lundy; Cpl Herb Hambley; LAC George Thomas 6282 LAC Keith Neville Clews. Back Row (L to R): 205778 Cpl Alexander Campbell (Alec) Coe; A31413 Cpl Percy Robert (Perc) Beattie; 12375 Cpl Sidney George Booth (Sid) Pollock; Cpl George Lucas; Cpl Mick Bradbury; Cpl Wally Gilbert; 3316 Cpl Robert Charles (Bob) Krummell; 207706 Cpl Bruce Moreing Cameron; Cpl George Cocking. On nominal roll but missing from photograph: Harry Wood and Jack Cooper. In photograph but not on nominal roll: Cpl George Lucas (back row) and 12375 Cpl Sidney George Booth (Sid) Pollock (back row).