Papers of Cyril John Percy Hill

Place Unknown
Accession Number RCDIG0000179
Collection number 1DRL/0350
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 27
Object type Papers
Physical description 64 Image/s captured
Maker Unknown
Date made 1914-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

Papers relating to service of Lieutenant Commander Cyril John Percy Hill. These papers relate to AN&MEF activity in New Britain in conjunction with submarines AE1 and AE2. Later papers cover HMAS Parramatta's attachment to the British Adriatic force, including the movement of the force to Sevastopol.
File includes:
Photostat copies of various operation orders, 1914;
Typescript copy of of signals made by Parramatta to Etna on 16 November 1917;
Photostat copy of signal from the Commodore commanding 8th Light Cruiser Squadron to Huon, 16 November 1917;
Photostat copy of letter from Rear Admiral Acton to the Senior British Naval Officer, Brindisi, 17 November 1917;
Typescript copy of Patrol Report of Australian T.B. Destroyers from 15 - 19 December 1917;
Typescript copy of report from Lt Hill and Engineer-Lieutenant C Bridge, Brindisi, to Commander "D", HMAS Parramatta, 19 November 1917;
Typescript copy of report from Lieutenant Commander C.F. Stow, Commanding Officer, Huon, to Commander "D", HMATBD Flotilla, 19 November 1917;
Typescript copy of report from Commander "D", the Commanding Officer, TBD Flotilla, Brindisi, to the Commodore Commanding British Adriatic Forces 20 November 1917;
Photostat copy of Reference Sheet: Damage sustained by HMAS Yarra whilst towing (alongside) SS Orion on 16 November 1917;
Photostat copy of communique from the Commodore Commanding British Adriatic Force to Commnder "D", 2 December 1917;
Photostat copy of message from O. Murray, Commander-in-Cheif, HM Sheips and Vessels, Mediterranean, to the Commodore Commanding British Adriatic Force, 19 December 1917;
Photostat copy of telegram from CCBAF to CC 8th LCS, 8 January 1918;
Photostat copy: Notice for standing in harbour - proceeding to sea to engage the enemy, and air-raids;
Photostat copy of notes on Battle Orders for Destroyers from W.A.H. Kelly, Commodore Commanding British Adriatic Force, 20 May 1918;
Photostat copy of report from Lieutenant-in-Command, Parramata, Brindisi to Captain "D", HMS Blenheim, Brindisi, 21 May 1918;
Typescript copy of memorandum from Captain George Chetwode, Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, Blenheim, 18 June 1918;
Memorandum: Organisation of destroyers for operations on June 19th, 1918;
Typescript copy of memorandum from Captain George Chetwode, Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, Blenheim, 18 June 1918;
Typescript copy of memorandum from A. Calthorpe, Vice Admiral, British Commander-in-Chief, HMS Superb, 24 November 1918: Instructions for the conduct of the allied fleet proceeding to Sevastopol;
Map of Sevastopol harbour showing anchorage berths, from Admirality Chart No. 963;
Photostat copy of commiunique from A. Calthorpe, Vice Admiral, British Commander-in-Chief to the Commanding Officer, HMATBD Parramatta, 18 December 1918;
Photostat copy ofnewspaper cutting: 'Australian T.B.Ds and the Australian fleet- Hunting the elusive Fritz - Trials of the winter - Fine troopship torpedoed';
Photostat copy of newspaper cutting: 'Australian warships on errand of mercy';
Photostat copy of newspaper cutting: 'The hunting of Fritz by Australian destroyers';
Photostat copy of newspaper cutting: 'Chasing the Austrian fleet in the Adriatic';
Photostat copy of newspaper cutting: 'How our Navy amused itself when on leave'