Miles Fitzroy Beevor : a case study in the personal aspects of battalion command in the First World War / William Westerman.

Collection type Library
Author Westerman, William.;
Call Number C 355.00994 S118
Document type Journal Article
Year 2015
Citation Sabretache : the journal of the Military Collectors Society of Australia. Sabretache : the journal of the Military Historical Society of Australia.: 2015, 56, 4
Pagination 46 - 53

In this article the author uses Miles Fitzroy Beevor as a case study into how Commanding Officers (CO) could be seen by men under their control. The author goes on to explain how the personal aspect of the CO would influence how the men took to him or how much respect they gave him. The author uses both the 10th Battalion and 52nd Battalion in this article as they were both under the Command of Miles Beevor. The author concludes by stating that both these two units were poor for being under Miles Beevor's command and his men suffered for his lack of care for his them.