Miscellaneous papers - Dardanelles operations (official)

Accession Number RCDIG0000095
Collection number 3DRL/3376 11/11a
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 8
Object type Papers
Physical description 30 Image/s captured
Maker Various
Date made 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

This file consists of miscellaneous papers relating to army operations and the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force during 1915. War establishment tables for the Australian New Zealand Army Corps, official rules for correspondence, and the order of battle for the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force are amongst the contents. The file itself was identified as Item 14 on Birdwood's original listing of files related to the Dardanelles campaign. This original list can be found in 3DRL/3376 11/15 File 1.
This file contains:
Note re base establishments, WO Cable 2793 21 February 1915
Conduct of Army Corps Headquarter Correspondence Rules, n.d.
Set of war establishments, 7 April 1915
Staffs of formations, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, n.d.
Distribution of Beach Equipment, Covering Force, n.d.
Diagram of Normal Distribution of Army Corps Headquarters on the move, n.d.
Note summarising points of divergence of war establishment of Army Corps units from Imp war establishment, n.d.
Order of Battle, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force