The Official History team is seeking assistance from individuals who have served in operations in Iraq (2003–11), Afghanistan (2001–14), East Timor (1999–2012) and from people who may be able to assist in other ways. If you would be willing to be interviewed about your experiences, or if you have any material you would be willing to loan to the project, such as photographs, film, letters, diaries, papers, emails, etc, we would like to hear from you.

Personal details
Preferred contact (provide at least one)
Reason for contacting the Official History Project

Please select the category or categories that best reflect why you are contacting the Official History Project (more than one entry is allowed)

If you served on these operations, please provide a brief overview of your deployment history, including approximate dates, name of rotation, detachment or contingent, and outline of key events and experiences.
If you did not serve on these operations, please provide the reason why you are contacting the Official History Project.
Collection material
Details of any material you are willing to loan to the project (photographs, film, letters, diaries, papers, emails, etc)
Details of previous interviews, donations, or published works related to your service/deployment

Your personal information will not be shared with a third party unless your consent is expressly provided, it is required by law, or the information is being provided to a contracted third-party acting on behalf of the Memorial for the purposes stated in the Memorial’s privacy management policy.  

More information is also available in our Privacy Statement