On-site Filming
Advance permission is required for news and commercial filming or photography on-site from the Memorial’s Communications and Marketing section.
The Australian War Memorial combines a shrine, a world-class museum, and an extensive archive. The Memorial's purpose is to commemorate the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war. Its mission is to assist Australians to remember, interpret and understand the Australian experience of war and its enduring impact on Australian society.
It is important to note that the Memorial should not be used as a backdrop to lobby, provide political comment or to imply approval of products. The Memorial is a place of commemoration for all Australians, and as such, visitors should not be inconvenienced. External media conferences cannot be conducted on the Memorial's front courtyard/front steps, within the Commemorative courtyard or in the galleries. The use of drones at the Memorial is strictly prohibited.
On-site parking and access
- Media are required to enter through the Security Entrance, behind the HMAS Brisbane bridge, past the tank (see the Maps page for more detail).
- Media may unload vehicles near the Security Entrance, but should then move vehicles to a carpark for security and access reasons.
- Media may use reserved parking marked ‘Contractor' or 'Official Visitor' in the Executive Carpark (behind the Administration Building).
- There is a 4 hour limit on all parking areas at the Memorial, between 7.30 am - 6.00 pm Monday - Friday. A temporary parking pass can be arranged through the Media contact if required.
Media contact
- email media@awm.gov.au
- phone +61 (02) 6243 4575
- mobile +61 (0)409 600 038