Vietnamese embroidered handkerchief : Private L J Downes, 3 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment

Place Asia: Vietnam, South Vietnam
Accession Number REL36145
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Cotton
Maker Unknown
Place made Vietnam
Date made c 1968
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

White cotton embroidered handkerchief with fringed edges. The handkerchief has been divided into four equal sections by a horizontal and a vertical row of green and red thread which intersect in the centre. Each section carries an embroidered word in red and green, reading 'KY /NIEM/ EM/ THANH'. Beneath the word 'KY' is a red and yellow embroidered four-pointed star. There is a blood stain in the section embroidered 'EM' as well as smaller stains on the rest of the handkerchief. There are pencil markings on the back of the handkerchief and a small paper sticker bearing the number '17' in blue ink.

History / Summary

This handkerchief, originally belonging to an unknown Viet Cong soldier was collected by 2787289 Private Leonard James Downes during his service with 3 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment in South Vietnam, between May and November 1968.

While patrolling in Vietnam, Downes was confronted by a Vietnamese soldier who stepped out of the bushes and attempted to shoot him. The soldier's rifle jammed and Downes shot the man instead. He subsequently collected this handkerchief from the body of the soldier as well as the jammed bullet, which he kept as a lucky charm because it had saved his life.

The handkerchief is embroidered with the words 'Ky Niem Em THANH'. The words 'Ky Niem' translate as 'souvenir'. The name 'THANH' together with 'Em' indicates the embroiderer was probably the soldier's girlfriend, named Thanh. It was a Vietnamese tradition for a girlfriend to embroider something for her soldier sweetheart to carry on active service.