Brian Richards: home movie RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam (RTFV) 1964-1965

Accession Number F11481
Collection type Film
Measurement 32 min 51 sec
Object type Home movie
Physical description 8mm standard/colour (Kodachrome)
Maker Richards, Brian
Place made Vietnam
Date made 1964-1965
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

Aerials from Caribou in flight. Take of from a dusty airstrip filmed through the cargo bay. Vung Tau, showing RAAF living quarters. Pan of a grass landing field showing civilian Cessna taxiing. In-flight interiors of Caribou cargo hold. Sign 'Welcome to Songmao' US Special Forces Base. Pan of the base airstrip showing Caribou A4-179 parked on airstrip unloading supplies. Aerials Mekong River, Saigon?, coast. 'Bounce' landing and takeoff filmed from aircraft. Aerials showing ships at sea and then flight over mountains. Vung Tau living quarters. Panning shot showing parked Caribou, Us Iroquois helicopters. Various in-flight aerials filmed from cargo bay showing coast road. Beach at Vung Tau showing RAAF personnel relaxing and at paly. A USAF C-123 Provider transport aircraft flies overhead and lands a dirt airstrip. In-flight aerials filmed from cargo bay showing low level parachute supply drop at a Special Forces camp. Take off from Da Nang airbase showing USMC Hawk anti-aircraft missile batteries. In-flight aerials showing low level parachute supply drops. Airbase showing parked A-1 Skyraider attack bombers and C-123 Provider transport aircraft. USAF Kaman HH-43 Huskie rescue helicopter flying low level over the airbase. USAF North American F-100 Super Sabre fighter bombers take off from Da Nang airbase. RF-101Voodoo reconnaissance , F-100s and C-130 Hercules aircraft at Da Nag airbase. Aerials of parachute supply drops filmed from Caribou cargo bay showing a red, a white and a blue coloured parachutes. Aerials showing clouds and mountain terrain. Republic F105D Thunderchief fighter bombers taking off from airbase. Road trip filmed from a moving vehicle showing Vietnamese soldiers along a village road. RAAF personnel relaxing at the mess bar. Vietnamese troops unloading supplies from a Caribou at a forward base. In-flight aerials showing old temple ? and an old fortified town. Aerials showing low level flight over the sea. View from upper story of a hotel? In Saigon showing stree scenes below. Two RAAF sitting at table served tea by a Vietnamese waiter. Scenes at the Saigon zoo showing various animals/. Saigon, filmed from a moving vehicle showing traffic and street scenes

Film order form
  • Video of Brian Richards: home movie RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam (RTFV) 1964-1965 (video)