Cunningham, Thomas Duncan (Major, b.1899 - d.1971)

Accession Number PR05373
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: 15 cm; Wallet/s: 6
Object type Letter, Diary, Notebook
Maker Cunningham, Thomas Duncan
Place made Australia, Ceylon, Greece, New Guinea
Date made c1919-1945
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Collection relating to the Second World War service of VX9778 Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham, Australian Army Provost Corps, Second Australian Imperial Force, Australia, Middle East, Greece, Ceylon, and New Guinea c1919-1945.

Wallet 1 of 6 – Consists of one notebook containing lecture notes of Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham. This notebook was used by Major Cunningham during his service as a stoker in the Royal Australian Navy between 1919 and 1926. These lecture notes cover subjects such as tools, steam power, coal and combustion, boilers, emergency drills, auxiliary machinery, oil fuels, different types of engines, and engine room duties. This notebook also contains several diagrams of engines and machinery.

Wallet 2 of 6 – Contains two folders of personal diaries relating to Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham, written during his service with the Australian Army Provost Corps between 1940 and 1942.
Wallet 2 of 6, Folder 1 of 2 consists of one personal diary of Major Cunningham, containing entries dated between April 1940 and January 1941. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s embarkation from Australia and service with the Australian Army Provost Corps in Palestine and Egypt. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about his embarkation, life on board the ship, participating in training, disembarking in the Middle East, sightseeing, recreational activities, working in an office, attending disturbances, going to church, and working in shifts.
Wallet 2 of 6, Folder 2 of 2 consists of one personal diary relating to Major Cunningham, containing entries dated between December 1940 and August 1942. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s service with the Australian Army Provost Corps in the Middle East, Greece and Ceylon. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about travelling through Egypt to Libya, seeing large amounts of vehicles and equipment discarded by Axis forces, escorting Axis prisoners of war to camps, the condition of the prisoners, being under heavy enemy artillery fire, his impressions of Tobruk, struggling to provide prisoners with rations of food and water, travelling through landscapes containing unexploded ordnance, being on patrol in towns, investigating disturbances and crimes involving Australian troops, interacting with local civilians, and air raids. He continues, writing about travelling to Greece, seeing the impact of war on the local population and landscape, being targeted by German bombs and artillery, coordinating the evacuation of personnel and vehicles, travelling from Greece to Egypt via Crete, serving in Palestine and Syria, attempting to stop the illegal trade of Army equipment and supplies, serving in Ceylon, taking part in courts martial, and returning to Australia.

Wallet 3 of 6 – Consists of one professional diary of Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham, containing entries dated between January and December 1940. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s service in the Australian Army Provost Corps in Australia, Palestine and Egypt. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about unit training, unit administration, arriving in the Middle East, sightseeing, organising patrols, attending disturbances involving disorderly Australian military personnel, making arrests, escorting AWL troops back to their units, arranging for the recovery of stolen property, arranging for the accommodation of Provost Corps staff, and attending courts martial.

Wallet 4 of 6 – Consists of one professional diary of Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham, containing entries dated between February and December 1941. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s service with the Australian Army Provost Corps in Egypt, Libya, Greece, Palestine and Syria. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about making arrests and charging servicemen with crimes, air raids, travelling through Libya, being on patrol, daily duties, travelling to Greece, moving to the north of Greece, weather conditions, movements and duties of men in his unit, the evacuation from Greece to Egypt via Crete, serving in Palestine and Syria, cricket matches between units, training, unit staffing and promotions, and conducting investigations regarding the illegal sale of Australian equipment and supplies.

Wallet 5 of 6 – Consists of one professional diary of Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham, containing entries dated between January and December 1942. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s service with the Australian Army Provost Corps in Syria, Palestine, Ceylon, Australia and New Guinea. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about his daily duties, the movements and duties of men in his unit, weather conditions, traffic accidents, taking charge of prisoners, conducting investigations regarding stolen Army equipment, travelling by boat to Ceylon, arresting AWL troops, investigating disturbances and crimes relating to Australian servicemen, conducting an inquiry relating to a shooting incident, and inspecting roads. He continues, writing about returning to Australia with a boat of prisoners, disembarking in Australia, doing regular patrols, vehicle maintenance, embarking for service in New Guinea, setting up a new camp, conducting reconnaissance, Japanese air raids, being on guard duty, and the general behaviour of Australian troops.

Wallet 6 of 6 – Consists of two folders of material relating to the service of Major Thomas Duncan Cunningham with the Australian Army Provost Corps between 1943 and 1945.
Wallet 6 of 6, Folder 1 of 2 consists of one letter from Major Cunningham to Mrs J Cox [exact identity unknown], dated 1 January 1943. In this letter, Major Cunningham extends seasonal greetings and informs her that the members of 6 Australian Division Provost Company had been contributing to a prisoner of war fund in order to send parcels to fellow servicemen who had become prisoners of war.
Wallet 6 of 6, Folder 2 of 2 consists of one personal diary of Major Cunningham, containing entries dated between June 1943 and October 1945. This diary was written during Major Cunningham’s service with the Australian Army Service Corps in New Guinea and Western Australia. In this diary, Major Cunningham writes about being admitted into hospital with haemorrhoids, receiving operations, beginning his duty in Western Australia, investigating civilian complaints regarding the behaviour of members of the Australian Army, being on patrol, making arrests, participating in recreational and social activities, seeing films at the cinema, attending meetings and conferences, monitoring other Allied soldiers during their leave, giving evidence at courts-martial, visiting rural towns, apprehending deserters, and hearing news about the end of the war.