Military Medal : Gunner A R H C Urbahns, 10 Australian Field Artillery Brigade

Place Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord, Le Cateau
Accession Number REL46696.001
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Medal
Maker Unknown
Place made United Kingdom
Date made c 1919
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Military Medal (Geo V). Impressed around edge with recipient's details.

History / Summary

32249 Gunner Alfred Robert Henry Charles Urbahns enlisted in Melbourne on 9 October 1916. He served with the 37th Battery of the 10th Australian Field Artillery Brigade on the Western Front and was awarded the Military Medal. The recommendation for his Military Medal reads:

'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the attack by 2nd AMERICAN CORPS on ST SOUPLET Sector on 17th October 1918. Just prior to the opening of the barrage and immediately after ZERO, the 37th Battery was subjected to a heavy bombardment. This Gunner was the only unwounded member of his gun detachment, but he maintained his gun in action alone during a considerable portion of the barrage. By his fearlessness and determination he set a fine example to the remaining detachments who had also been depleted by casualties.'

He survived the war, and disembarking in Melbourne on 18 August 1919.