A RAAF Nursing Sister, N217164 Squadron Officer Harriett Hardy Fenwick, of Sydney, NSW adjusts ...

Place Asia: Vietnam, Bien Hoa Province, Bien Hoa
Accession Number MAL/65/0083/03
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Film original negative 120 safety base
Maker Travers, Dereck B
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam
Date made 20 August 1965
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A RAAF Nursing Sister, N217164 Squadron Officer Harriett Hardy Fenwick, of Sydney, NSW adjusts the litter strap of an Australian Army casualty as he is flown to Australia from Vietnam. The RAAF is providing a regular Hercules courier from Richmond, NSW to Vietnam and will evacuate Army causalities from Bien Hoa. Sister Fenwick is assisted by 3716 Sergeant (Sgt) Donald Keith (Don) Percy, RAAF medical orderly, of Arncliffe, NSW.