Queensland CMF with tanks DPR/TV/147

Accession Number F03657
Collection type Film
Measurement 2 min
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker Defence Public Relations (DPR)
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 1964
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Citizen Military Force troops from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Queensland Regiment, had their first experience of tank warfare during an exercise North of Ingham. The tanks, which are normally based at Puckapunyal in Victoria, were used to teach infantry-armour tactics and co-operation. They weigh 52 tons and carry 20 pounder guns as their main armament. Later, the infantry was given a demonstration of the Centurion tank's firepower. The Centurions blasted their way through and over obstacles and demonstrated firing high explosive, armour piercing and phosphorus shells. The CMF spectators were drawn from as far North as Cairns and Mosman, west to Mt Isa and South to Rockhampton and Gladstone. The exercise was one of a series in Queensland to introduce troops to tank tactics in close country and prepare for a major exercise later this year.

Film order form
  • Video of Queensland CMF with tanks DPR/TV/147 (video)