London, England. 7 August 1944. First groundstaff man to vote in London in the Federal ...

Place Europe: United Kingdom, England, Greater London, London
Accession Number UK1744
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Date made 7 August 1944
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


London, England. 7 August 1944. First groundstaff man to vote in London in the Federal referendum, just ahead of Flight Sergeant Wiley (see UK01738), was Warrant Officer W. J. Walters, Newcastle, NSW, who is attached to RAAF Overseas Headquarters, shown filling in his declaration. After training in Australia he left for the Middle East in 1942 where he served for three years in Syria, Palestine and Libya with a RAF Squadron and three RAAF Squadrons - No. 459 (Hudson) Squadron, No. 451 (Hurricane) Squadron and No. 454 (Baltimore) Squadron before arriving in London.