Some members of the Special Air Services (SAS), wearing jungle camouflage, floppy bush hats, and ...

Place Asia: Vietnam, Bien Hoa Province, Fire Support Base Kiama
Accession Number P01773.017
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Crossman, John F
Place made Vietnam: Bien Hoa Province
Date made c June 1968
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Some members of the Special Air Services (SAS), wearing jungle camouflage, floppy bush hats, and facial camouflage, receiving a last minute briefing before setting out on patrol. Identified in the foreground from left: 235306 Lieutenant ? (Lt) Gordon Lyall (Sam) Simpson, 2nd Special Air Service Squadron, (with his back to the camera, wearing no shirt) who later lost both his legs as a result of a mine explosion; 19968 Lt Kevin William Lunny, 2nd Special Air Service Squadron; unidentified with face blackened; 235210 Captain Michael John (Mick) Bindley, 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), holding an M16A1 automatic rifle; unidentified; unidentified with handset to his ear. The soldier standing on the ramp of the armoured personnel carrier (APC) at rear is Major Gus Schneider of Roswell, New Maxico, deputy commander of the US Army's 5/2 Artillery Brigade. The APC, from A Squadron, 3 Cavalry Regiment, Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) is about to take the SAS group out to their drop off point in the bush.