Nieuwenhoven, Robert (Flight Lieutenant)

Place Middle East: Qatar, Al Udeid
Accession Number AWM2021.930.1
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: .5 cm; Wallet/s: 1
Object type Souvenir
Maker United States Air Force
Place made Qatar, Qatar
Date made 2004
Access Open
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Iraq, 2003-2013

Collection relating to the Iraq War service of O410327 Flight Lieutenant Robert Nieuwenhoven, Combined Task Group 633.4, Operation Catalyst, Royal Australian Air Force, Qatar, 2004.

Wallet 1 of 1 – Consists of one souvenir program collected by Flight Lieutenant Robert Nieuwenhoven. This program was made by the United States Air Force for an induction ceremony on 21 January 2004 at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, which was attended by Flight Lieutenant Nieuwenhoven. It contains a sequence of events, a menu, biographical details of new inductees to the base, and creeds. This program includes the names of two Australian service personnel who were inducted at the ceremony: Warrant Officer Michael O’Brien and Warrant Officer Katrina Salvesen.