Noma, Namibia. c.1989-11. Sapper Rob Cotter stands next to a United Nations (UN) UH-1H helicopter ...

Place Africa: Namibia
Accession Number P02123.003
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour
Physical description Colour
Maker Delai, John
Conflict Period 1980-1989
Namibia (UNTAG), 1989-1990

Item copyright: Status to be assessed


Noma, Namibia. c.1989-11. Sapper Rob Cotter stands next to a United Nations (UN) UH-1H helicopter which is parked on sandy ground at a polling/monitoring station. Cotter, who is wearing a UN blue beret, is a member of the second Australian contingent to UNTAG (United Nations Transition Assistance Group). The Australians are helping provide security for the elections. Cotter and Staff Sergeant John Delai were on a reconnaissance for water/engineering support before the elections. The UN aircraft and pilots were supplied by the Italians. Due to difficulties navigating over the featureless terrain they adopted the practice of flying along roads at treetop level and navigating using road maps. (C. Tierney)