Namibia. c.1989-11. Sapper Matt Phillips looking out over the side of a United Nations Buffel MPV ...

Place Africa: Namibia
Accession Number P02123.007
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour
Physical description Colour
Conflict Period 1980-1989
Namibia (UNTAG), 1989-1990

Item copyright: Status to be assessed


Namibia. c.1989-11. Sapper Matt Phillips looking out over the side of a United Nations Buffel MPV (Mine Protected Vehicle). Phillips was a member of the second Australian contingent to UNTAG (United Nations Transition Assistance Group). The group provided security for the elections in the form of a Ready Reaction Force which consisted of twenty men. The green shade cloth over the back of the Buffel MPV was improvised by the Australians to protect themselves from the fierce sun. It relied on PVC pipe and rope to hold it on. The white boxes on the back of the vehicles contained tyre changing gear, and when the contingent were doing unexploded ordnance clearance, it contained explosives.