Woven cloth patch : Maritime Interception Operations Australian Contingent

Accession Number REL30447
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Badge
Physical description Cotton, Embroidery cotton thread
Maker Squadron Flight Shop
Place made United States of America
Date made c 2002
Conflict Period 2000-2009

Triangular black woven cloth patch featuring a white image of a skull and crossbones surrounded by the words 'MIO AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENT PIRATES OF THE NAG'.

History / Summary

This badge was designed by personnel in the Australian Task Force Command Team, MIO (Maritime Interception Operations) following a complaint from Iraq to the United Nations in mid 2001 that the Coalition navies' actions in boarding every ship entering or leaving Iraqi waters constituted piracy. Sailors on HMAS Melbourne promptly nicknamed themselves the 'Pirates of the NAG' (North Arabian Gulf). The badge was apparently also produced in a low-contrast 'desert cam' colour scheme.