United Arab Emirates flag : MV 'Salah I'

Accession Number REL30451
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Cotton, Nylon webbing, Synthetic
Maker Unknown
Date made Unknown
Conflict Period 2000-2009

Hand made United Arab Emirates flag. The flag is manufactured from lengths of green and white synthetic fabric (which have been machine hemmed and joined, and may have been removed from another flag) and of black and red cotton fabrics. The red panel has a length of nylon webbing with a woven loop at top and bottom, forming the hoist, and appears to have been cut down from a larger flag. The sections have been crudely sewn together with blue cotton, but the black panel, which is badly frayed, is coming away from the remainder.

History / Summary

This United Arab Emirates flag was taken from the Motor Vessel 'Salah I' by a Royal Australian Navy steaming party from HMAS Kanimbla. The vessel was originally boarded by a US Navy SEAL team on 2 January 2002, and, as contraband material was discovered aboard, all passports and ship's documentation were seized. A steaming party from the Kanimbla then examined the vessel for seaworthiness and ordered it to the Comiski Holding Area, where the crew was disembarked. The flag was souvenired by members of the steaming party whilst on board.