1916 - Loaded up

Accession Number ART15605
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 32.2 x 24.6 cm; image: 29.6 x 20.6 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on paper adhered to board
Maker Robbie, Dan
Place made At sea
Date made 1919
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright unknown


This image is part of a series of six cartoon style paintings that follow a man from his enlistment through to his discharge from service in the First World War. Titled 'Loaded up', this picture shows the figure wearing a helmet and tall black boots, laden with his pack and equipment. Trenching tools, including an infantry shovel and pick, are attached to his pack and show his readiness for work in the trenches. As with the other images in this series the colour patch for the 48th Infantry Battalion Australian Imperial Force (AIF), has been depicted in the background.