Privacy Impact Assessment Register

The Privacy (Australian Government Agencies—Governance) APP Code 2017 (Cth) (the APP Code) requires that all agencies, including the Australian War Memorial (the Memorial) must conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for all high privacy risk projects.

A project may be a high privacy risk project if the Memorial considers that the project involves any new or changed ways of handling personal information that are likely to have a significant impact on the privacy of individuals.

The Memorial is also required to conduct a PIA if directed to do so by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

The Memorial is required to maintain a register of all PIAs it conducts and must publish that register, or a version of that register, on its website.

This following PIA register is published in compliance with the APP Code.


Title of Project

Short description of project

Date the PIA was made

Responsible business unit

Trybooking Ticketing – Daily General Entry to the Australian War Memorial Galleries, Commemorative Area and Last Post Ceremonies

Trybooking Ticketing – Daily General Entry to the Australian War Memorial Galleries, Commemorative Area and Last Post Ceremonies

10 December 2021

Digital Experience (DEX) and Commemoration and Visitor Engagement (CVE)

OSKR School Bookings OSKR School Bookings 1 February 2022 Commemoration and Visitor Engagement (CVE)
Customer Management (CRMs) – for members, donors, sponsors and stakeholders Customer Management (CRMs) – for members, donors, sponsors and stakeholders 18 May 2022 Communication and Marketing (CAM)
Retail Management System (RMS) – for customers, suppliers, members, and donors Retail Management System (RMS) – for customers, suppliers, members, and donors 9 February 2023 Retail and Online Sales (ROS)

Copies of PIAs may be requested by contacting the Memorial:

Privacy Officer

Australian War Memorial

PO Box 345

Canberra ACT 2601


Phone: 02 6243 4211 (switchboard)

Last updated: