Vietnam, National Service Scheme
The National Service Scheme operated from November 1964 to December 1972. It was based on a birthday ballot of 20-year-old men who had registered with the Department of Labour and National Service. Those chosen by ballot were called up to perform two years' continuous full-time service in the Regular Army Supplement, followed by three years' part-time service in the Regular Army Reserve. The scheme was designed to create an army strength of 40,000 full-time soldiers.
Street sign for "Noack Avenue", Nui Dat, Vietnam, 1966 – named after Private E. W. Noack from B Company (5RAR), the first national serviceman killed in South Vietnam. C246316
Further Information
- Document: Appendix from the Vietnam official history
Peter Edwards, A nation at war: Australian politics, society and diplomacy during the Vietnam War 1965–1975, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 1997 - Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans
Department of Veterans' Affairs nominal roll - Australia's Vietnam War: exploring the combat actions of the 1st Australian Task Force
Database and website developed by the University of New South Wales Canberra which combines combat data with mapping and graphing software to produce an interactive battle map of the campaign in Vietnam. Incorporates maps from both the present day and the Vietnam War era to display details of combat incidents involving Australian and New Zealand troops from the 1st Australian Task Force in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.
- Document: Appendix from the Vietnam official history