Tobruk, Libya. 25 April 1953. Group portrait of five Victoria Cross winners, members of the ...

Place Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area, Tobruk
Accession Number 030424
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Conflict Period 1950-1959

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Tobruk, Libya. 25 April 1953. Group portrait of five Victoria Cross winners, members of the Australian and New Zealand Coronation Contingent, in the Tobruk War Cemetery, during their brief stay while on their way to England to attend the coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. They are, left to right: Private (Pte) Frank John Partridge VC, (Australia); Pte E. Kenna VC, (Australia); 215003 Sergeant J. D. Hinton VC, (New Zealand); Pte R. Kelliher VC, (Australia); Sergeant R. R. Rattey VC, (Australia). (A hand coloured version of this image is held as P01895.001)