Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Steve Gaudie (left) and LAC Scott Ryan, members of the RAAF Airfield ...

Accession Number P04159.141
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Parker, David Dare
Place made Iraq: Baghdad
Date made 9 May 2003
Conflict Iraq, 2003-2013
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Steve Gaudie (left) and LAC Scott Ryan, members of the RAAF Airfield Defence Guard (ADG), patrol an area of the Australian section of Baghdad International Airport. Foot patrols are undertaken to ensure that the ADG has a detailed knowledge of the area and are alert to any possible threats to the Australian detachment. Part of the RAAF Combat Support Unit, the ADG provides protection to the RAAF air traffic controllers and support staff operating at Baghdad International Airport. The Airfield Defence Guard detachment operated in the Middle East as part of the Australian commitment assembled to disarm Iraq.

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