The area around Dac Pek airstrip, one of the stop-offs for USAF 002 Mission. The mission was a ...

Accession Number P04905.007
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Espie, Jack Darby
Place made Vietnam
Date made 1968
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright


The area around Dac Pek airstrip, one of the stop-offs for USAF 002 Mission. The mission was a daily military logistic support flight for 35 Squadron RAAF and was tasked by the 8th USAF. It could be a specific task detailed by that headquarters or the mission aircraft could be assigned to a nominated Air Movements unit for that day. The Mission was flown by Caribou aircraft of 35 Squadron RAAF, known as Wallaby Airlines because of their 'wallaby' call sign.

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