Airframe fitters with No 9 Iroquois Squadron, RAAF, based at Vung Tau, have impressed United ...

Accession Number VN/66/0115/01
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Westbury, Gerald Wallace
Place made Vietnam: Vung Tau Special Zone, Vung Tau
Date made 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Airframe fitters with No 9 Iroquois Squadron, RAAF, based at Vung Tau, have impressed United States (US) Army technical experts with their efficiency and know how. Two of them recently topped the US Army technical courses on the D Model Iroquois helicopter. Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Garrison J Boyle, commander of the US Army’s 767th Transport Battalion, sent letters commending the airmen. Here the commanding officer of No 9 Squadron, RAAF, 33062 Wing Commander (Wing Cdr) Roy Stewart Royston, (right) is presenting a letter of commendation from Lt Col Boyle to 11794 Sergeant (Sgt) Neville John Watson, of Newcastle, NSW (left). The other airman to received a letter of commendation was 314918 Leading Aircraftman (LAC) John Astley Martin, of Tabilk, Vic, (centre).

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