Members of No 9 Squadron, RAAF (9 Sqn), working on the armoured seats, to be fitted to the ...

Accession Number P05078.006
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Gee, Robin Frederick
Place made Vietnam: Vung Tau Special Zone, Vung Tau
Date made June 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Members of No 9 Squadron, RAAF (9 Sqn), working on the armoured seats, to be fitted to the Iroquois helicopters, in their tented work area. The original red seats have been removed and will be replaced with armour plated seats from the United States. The tent on the left is the air frame section, and the tent on the right is the engine section and directly behind them is the No 9 Sqn flight line. Behind the flight line is a Chinook helicopter. Identified are: engine fitter Sergeant Murray Henske (rear) and radio technician Steve Raabey (beding over looking at camera).

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