Pilot's leg clipboard : D S Gibbons, Photojournalist

Place Asia: Vietnam, South Vietnam
Accession Number REL33473
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Aluminium, Elastic, Metal, Paper, Plastic
Maker Felsenthal Instruments Company
Place made United States of America: Illinois, Cook County, Chicago
Date made c 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Black aluminium pilot's clipboard with adjustable black elastic legstrap, convex base with anti-slide strips, pair of pencil holders, integral pencil sharpener, pad, spring-loaded pad clips and a battery operated adjustable light with red lens cover. A pilot identification tag is attached to the proper left side with 'Playboy 19' written in texta. The lower pad clip is impressed: 'US PROPERTY TYPE MXU-163P CLIPBOARD, PILOTS CONTRACT NO DSA-400-66-C-0807/TR-528 MFR'S PART NO FNA-328D FELSENTHAL INSTRS CO CHICAGO'.

History / Summary

Born in Sydney in 1937, Denis Gibbons had undertaken army training and work as a news photographer in Sydney before he arrived in Vietnam in January 1966. For the next five years, Gibbons recorded the tours of nine Australian infantry battalions for Fairfax press and United Press International. Australian readers could regularly view his photographic essays in People magazine. In all, he took tens of thousands of black-and-white and colour photographic that together provide a very comprehensive view of the activities undertaken by Australians during the war.
The extended period spent by Gibbons in Vietnam was highly unusual among Australian photographers. Most official photographers and other photojournalists tended to spend just a few days photographing an operation before moving on. They were also based in Saigon, a city that remained far removed from the gritty reality of the war. However, Gibbons lived at the 1st Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat and was able to spend months with a particular unit. In this way he could record all areas of the work of Australians in great detail.
Gibbons was flown out of Vietnam in November 1970, after being wounded when an Armoured Personnel Carrier he was travelling in hit an enemy mine; he was wounded six times over the course of his five years in Vietnam.