A damaged Gloster Meteor aircraft sitting on its undercarriage, supported by sandbags, on the air ...

Accession Number P05323.003
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Littley, Ray
Place made Korea: Kimpo
Date made 1953
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A damaged Gloster Meteor aircraft sitting on its undercarriage, supported by sandbags, on the air strip at Kimpo Air Base. The pilot was able to fly the aircraft back to the base safely after an encounter with a MiG 15 that fired at it with 37mm cannon shells. The soot around the gun on the nose of this aircraft indicates that it was able to return fire. It was thought that the Meteors would be able to match the MiG jets, but when they met in Korea for the first time, it was realised that the MiGs were a far superior aircraft. By 1952 the Meteors were withdrawn as fighter aircraft and used more for airfield defence and photo reconnaissance.

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