The entrance to a Viet Cong bunker is supported and protected by a solid revetment of logs. The ...

Accession Number P04655.232
Collection type Photograph
Object type Digital file
Maker Gibbons, Denis Stanley
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province
Date made December 1969
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


The entrance to a Viet Cong bunker is supported and protected by a solid revetment of logs. The bunker is one of a complex that was discovered by A Company, 8RAR, in dense jungle during Operation Atherton, a reconnaissance and ambush operation in the northwest of the province and the battalion's first in Vietnam. In the background are members of A Company, probably with sappers from 1 Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers (RAE), who will destroy the bunker with explosive charges.