Kome no shûkaku [Rice harvest].

Accession Number RC04902
Collection number Leaflets Collection (Far Eastern Liaison Office Leaflets) J124
Collection type Published Collection
Record type Item
Item count 1
Measurement Overall: 13.3 x 17.6 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker Far Eastern Liaison Office
Date made 20 October 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

A propaganda leaflet produced by the Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO) during the Second World War. This leaflet is written in Japanese and was distributed to Melanesia and the Netherlands East Indies. It is accompanied by an English translation of the text which notes that the purpose of the leaflet is to nurture animosity against the Japanese military clique and induce nostalgia. The leaflet carries a photographic image of rice harvesting in Japan. The leaflet is dated 24 September 1943 and reminds Japanese soldiers of the time of rice harvest in Japan when, even soldiers could take time off to help in the fields. The message states that old folks and even small children toil on rice fields as young men are taken to the war. It stresses that the real duty of Japanese solders should be working on the land inherited from their ancestors rather than fighting a war started arbitrarily by the military clique.