12 gatsu 4 ka made no nyûsu gaiyô [Summary of war news up to 14 December 1942].

Accession Number RC05019
Collection number Leaflets Collection (Far Eastern Liaison Office Leaflets) J37
Collection type Published Collection
Record type Item
Item count 1
Measurement Overall: 22 x 21 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker Far Eastern Liaison Office
Date made 14 December 1942
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

A propaganda leaflet produced by the Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO) during the Second World War. This leaflet is written in Japanese and was distributed to China-Hong Kong, Borneo, Celebes, Buna Area and Gona. The leaflet is accompanied by an English translation of the text. The message summarises the developments of the Greater East Asia War up to 14 December 1942. Issues discussed include the crash of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the publication of Japanese newspapers in Borneo and the Celebes, the new regulation about foreign Jews in French Indo-China and the concern over the battles in the Gona area.