Informal portrait of 2026 Lieutenant Ian Maxwell (Max) Speedy, Pilot, 2nd Contingent, RAN ...

Accession Number P05707.017
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Unknown
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam, Saigon, Tan Son Nhut
Date made 10 September 1969
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Copyright unknown - orphaned work


Informal portrait of 2026 Lieutenant Ian Maxwell (Max) Speedy, Pilot, 2nd Contingent, RAN Helicopter Flight Vietnam (RANHFV), at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, prior to embarking on a flight to Australia at the end of his tour of duty. RANHFV is serving with the 135th Assault Helicopter Company (135th AHC), United States Army. Due to its integrated nature, the unit is designated an ‘experimental military unit', with the nickname EMU. Based originally at Vung Tau Air Base, the company moved to Fire Support Base Black Horse near Xuan Loc in December 1967. In November 1968 the unit was moved to Bearcat Base, north east of Saigon. Throughout their service in Vietnam members of RANHFV provided tactical airlift and gunship support for Australian and allied ground forces.

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