Minami Taiheiyô Jihô dai 41 gô [South Pacific News Bulletin No.41].

Accession Number RC05148
Collection number Leaflets Collection (Far Eastern Liaison Office Leaflets) J260
Collection type Published Collection
Record type Item
Item count 1
Measurement Overall: 16.0 x 21.0 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker Far Eastern Liaison Office
Date made 2 February 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

A propaganda newspaper produced by the Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO) during the Second World War. The item is written in Japanese and was distributed to the Philippines, Manila, China-Hong Kong, French Indochina and Burma. An English translation of the text is attached. This issue is dated 4 February 1945 and covers the advance of the American troops to Manila, the attack on the coast of French Indo-China and the South China coasts, the re-establishment of communication between India and China via Burma, and the advance of the Russians into Germany. It also includes Japanese domestic news, such as the 1945-46 budget, severe criticism of the government, the establishment of a marriage bureau in the Nakajima Plant, and the popularity of barter trade as a result of shortages of commodities. As the latest news, the fall of Manila is added at the very end of the text.