Bruce Carlyle Ruxton as president of the RSL Club of Victoria speaks about the assistance he provided to the Gull Force Association during the mid 1960s.

Place Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Ambon, Pulau, Ambon
Accession Number S04321
Collection type Sound
Measurement 19 min 41 sec
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description micro cassette; Dictaphone MC60; mono
Maker Ruxton, Bruce Carlyle
Billett, Janet Roberts
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne, Albert Park
Date made 30 August 2002
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Permission of copyright holder required for any use and/or reproduction.

Bruce Ruxton as president of the RSL Club of Victoria speaks about the assistance he provided to the Gull Force Association during the mid 1960s. The Gull Force Association was giving medical and other aid to the residents of Ambon (in recognition of their assistance to Australian POWs during their incarceration there.) Ruxton relates that during excavation of the old POW camp kitchen at Ambon, typed documents were discovered and later destroyed by Brigadier Athol Brown, Commonwealth War Graves Director. Ruxton was told that the documents contained details of misdemeanours of soldiers during the period they were prisoners of war on Ambon, from 1942 - 1945.

  • Listen to Bruce Carlyle Ruxton as president of the RSL Club of Victoria speaks about the assistance he provided to the Gull Force Association during the mid 1960s.