Perspex sweetheart brooch from New Guinea : Signalman J A Lovatt

Accession Number REL38043
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Metal, Paint, Perspex
Maker Unknown
Place made New Guinea1
Date made c 1944-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Perspex heart shaped brooch suspended from a safety chain and small brooch pin. The back of the Perspex has been engraved, probably with dental instruments, and the design infilled with paint, before the entire back has been painted black. Viewed from the front the brooch shows two green palm trees, a brown native hut and ' - NEW GUINEA - TO JEAN 1944-45' in white, all on a black ground.

History / Summary

Associated with the service of QX36751 Signalman John Andrew Lovatt in 17 Australian Brigade Signals Section. Lovatt was born in Govan, Scotland and later emigrated to Australia. A qualified radio mechanic, he served in the Citizen's Military Force with the service number Q76387 from December 1941, first as a sapper with 16 Army Field Company Royal Australian Engineers, and then as a lance corporal with 11 Motor Regiment Signals Section. In July 1942 Lovatt enlisted in the Second AIF. By July the following year he was a corporal with the Australian Armoured Cavalry Regiment, and then in January 1944 with 2 Australian Armoured Brigade Group Signal Squadron. Lovatt reverted to the rank of signalman and transferred to 17 Australian Infantry Brigade Signal Section at his own request so that he could serve overseas. He served in New Guinea with the Brigade, mainly at Aitape and Wewak, between November 1944 and December 1945. Lovatt was discharged in January 1946. This piece of sweetheart jewellery was given as a gift to his wife, Jean, who he had married in January 1943.