Lining up for tea during the noon halt; Getting ready to move, the quarter call

Accession Number ART02562.007
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 17.8 x 25.5 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description watercolour and ink on paper
Maker Gould, Charles Henry
Date made 16 December 1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Illustration on the left is titled 'Lining up for tea during the noon halt' and depicts soldiers lining up holding their mugs, some smoke a pipe, while one looks directly at the viewer. The landscape bleeds into the illustration on the right, titled 'Getting ready to move, the quarter call' and pictures soldiers getting ready to move on, as they hoist their packs on their backs. The 6th Battalion colour patch is visible on the left arm of several of the soldier's The artist recounts the schedule as such: "The Battalion crossed the French Frontier and marches into Belgium on the 16th December. During such marches a halt is usually made daily about noon, for a rest and a meal. The evening before the cooks prepare meat cakes, sandwiches, cold meat and pickles or some other suitable meal. At 11 o'clock next day while on the march the fires are lit in the travelling kitchens. Then, when the halt is made at noon, tea is prepared in a few minutes and before 10 minutes have passed, the troops who have piled their arms and discarded their kits, are all busy eating. Afterwards they rest and smoke until the bugle blows the quarter call, when everyone replaces their equipment, cookers are made ready to move and the officers see that the ground has been left clean."