An Australian volunteer in protective clothing and wearing a 'light' gas mask sitting on a log ...

Accession Number P05257.002
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Unknown
Unknown Australian Official Photographer
Place made Australia: Queensland, North Queensland, Hinchinbrook Island
Date made c 1944
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


An Australian volunteer in protective clothing and wearing a 'light' gas mask sitting on a log next to a sign to the left which reads; "Positions, P.O.N.M.L.K Z, Alpha Beta, Gamma Delta" during the 1944 Brook Island allied chemical warfare (CW) trials conducted on Hinchinbrook Island. This man is taking part in experiments run by the Australian Chemical Warfare Research and Experimental Section. The unit, later to be known as the 1st Field Trials Company, Royal Australian Engineers (RAE), carried out research on the effects of mustard gas and other chemical warfare agents.

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