HMAS Sydney and Vietnam Logistical Support Veterans Association

Accession Number PR04996
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: 6 cm; Wallet/s: 2
Object type Letter, Souvenir
Maker Various
Date made 1974-2011
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

Collection of material relating to the HMAS Sydney and Vietnam Logistical Support Veterans Association and their fight for war service recognition. The Association was formed to fight for recognition of personnel who performed Logistical and Support duties during the Vietnam war; to provide social contact for its members; and to assist with the welfare of members.

All letters contained in collection are photocopies of originals.

Wallet 1 of 2 contains 2 folders.

Folder 1 contains 24 letters written between 1974 and 1984. These are letters written to and from Frederick Ian McLeod-Dryden, various members of parliament and departments, and Derryn Hinch. The letters discuss the Defence Service Homes Act, the Repatriation (Special Overseas Service) Act, and the term 'special duty' in reference to the recognition of HMAS Sydney.

Folder 2 contains 27 letters written between 1984 and 1985. These letters are written to and from the Department of Defence, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Returned Services League, and McLeod-Dryden in his role as spokesman for the Vietnam Logistical Support Veteran’s Association. The letters discuss the complaint submitted by McLeod-Dryden that it is ‘unreasonable that HMAS Sydney was not designated for Special Duty during the Vietnam Conflict’, the ongoing disputes over the terms ‘continuous danger’ and ‘transitory nature’.

Wallet 2 of 2 contains 3 folders.

Folder 1 contains 22 items. This includes letters dated between 1984 and 1985 and other ephemera.
The letters are campaigning for support from various organisations and media outlets. There is also the inaugural meeting of the HMAS Sydney and Vietnam Logistical Support Veteran’s Association address by McLeod-Dryden on 19 July 1985. Press releases from the then Minister for Defence, Kim Beazley, and Minister for Veteran’s Affairs, Senator Arthur Geitzelt regarding the successful change in the Veterans Entitlements Act are also included.

Folder 2 contains 25 items. This includes letters and ephemera relating to the establishment of the Vietnam Logistical Support Veteran’s Association. A pamphlet titled ‘Discarded Veterans of an Unpopular War’, printed digital photos, and newspaper clippings are included in the ephemera. Letter dated 19 June 1985 is from the Australian War Memorial accepting Vietnam Logistical Support Veteran’s Association charter into the collection (PR85/167).

Folder 3 contains 10 items, these are all photocopied newspaper clippings relating to the association.