Prisoners of war (POW) from Stalag VIII B (344), Lamsdorf, Silesia (now Lambowice in Poland) ...

Accession Number P10548.008
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Unknown
Date made 22 January 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Prisoners of war (POW) from Stalag VIII B (344), Lamsdorf, Silesia (now Lambowice in Poland) during an enforced march westward to escape the advance of Soviet forces. On the second night of this march, POWs slept in the ruins of a brickworks. This event later became known as 'The Lamsdorf Death March', where many fatalities occurred. This photograph is part of a collection of images relating to the service of 411324 Warrant Officer (WO) Laurence Hickson, RAAF and his time as a POW in Stalag VIII B. WO Hickson was aboard a Lancaster bomber undertaking a bombing raid over Germany when his plane was shot down on 17 January 1943. The crew parachuted to safety, landing in Ribnitz, where they were then taken prisoner of war by German forces and interned at Stalag VIII B. WO Hickson was repatriated in May 1945.