Collection related to the service of 5491 Able Seaman Herbert Cheal Cooper

Accession Number P10565.089
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Unknown
Place made Pacific Islands: Polynesia, French Polynesia, Society Islands, Maupihaa
Date made September 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


The captured German ship Seeadler as it was being wrecked.

This photograph belongs to the collection of 5491 Able Seaman (AB) Herbert Cheal Cooper. AB Cooper, of Brookvale, New South Wales, volunteered for the RAN on 25 January 1916 at 15 years of age. He was based on the training ship Tingira until his 18th birthday on 21 April 1918 when he joined HMAS Encounter as an Ordinary Seaman (OS). He was promoted to Able Seaman on 6 August 1918. AB Cooper served on HMAS Una, HMAS Cerberus, HMAS Franklin and HMAS Brisbane before joining HMAS Adelaide on 18 August 1922. He served with the RAN until 5 May 1925.

The Memorial also holds a souvenir photograph album of the world cruise of the British Special Service Squadron, November 1923 - September 1924, which HMAS Adelaide took part in from April 1924, that belonged to AB Cooper at P10564.

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