Accession Number | AWM41 |
Collection type | Official Record |
Object type | Official Record |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Copying Provisions | Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction. |
Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of A.G.Butler, Historian of Australian Army Medical Services
Arthur Graham Butler, physician and medical historian was born on 25 May 1872 at Kilcoy, Queensland. After attending Ipswich Grammar School he studied medicine at St John's College, Cambridge in the 1890s. On his return to Queensland he went into general practice in Kilcoy and then from 1902-1907 at Gladstone.
In 1912 Butler joined the Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC) and became medical officer of the Moreton Regiment. At the outbreak of the First World War he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and was appointed regimental medical officer to the 9th Battalion with the rank of captain.
Butler was amongst the first to land at Gallipoli and remained there until October. He was the only medical officer to win the Distinguished Service Order at Gallipoli and was also promoted to major during the campaign. In February 1916 he was appointed Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, I ANZAC Corps and in November 1916 was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
In 1917 Butler's superiors felt that he needed a well earned break from the front and he was reluctantly sent to the Australian War Records Section (AWRS) in London to help collate the medical records of the AIF. From July 1918 he became Commander of the 3rd Australian General Hospital at Abbeville until its closure in closure in June 1919. He returned to the AWRS until his demobilisation in February 1920.
On his return to Australia Butler resumed his private practice in Brisbane. In 1922 he agreed to write the official history of the Australian Army Medical Services in the war. This task which was initially to take two years, occupied the next 22 years of his life. The three volumes were published in 1930, 1940 and 1943 respectively.
Documentation relating to Butler's activities on the completion of the official histories is very scarce. His work entitled The digger: a study in democracy was published in 1945. Memorial files indicate that he was working in the AWM Library in 1945-1947, however a more accurate date regarding his employment cannot be established. His duties in the library included the classification of medical material that was used by him as the official historian in preparing the medical official histories.
Butler had retained most of the material he had used while writing the official histories and a large amount of it was returned from his assistants in Sydney and Melbourne in consignments in 1940. Where appropriate material was returned to the collections that it had originated from. Some of the material which had been collected by Butler while writing the official histories was placed into the 'Library classified files' which are now known as AWM27. This material was removed from AWM27 in the early 1990s when AWM27 was being listed and returned to AWM41.
Some material which was originally part of the classified or obsolete records (now AWM25) and loaned to Butler and his assistants has also been housed in AWM41 instead of being returned to its original collection. It can be recognized by the diamond-shaped Australian War Records Section stamp.
Butler made numerous donations to the AWM Library mainly from 1940-1947. Many of these were published items which are now held in the Printed Records collection. The remaining small amount of official material has been added to AWM41.
In August 1940 Butler also donated some of his personal records (2DRL/1188). This collection consisted of correspondence, diaries, notebooks and reports relating to his own war service from 1914-1918 and a set of 12 notebooks containing interviews and notes relating to the writing of the official history. These have now been incorporated into AWM41 (Items 1735-1768).
Another small collection of material belonging to Butler was donated to the AWM by Mrs E. (Effie) Bean in 1968. It consists of letters written by Butler mainly to his wife, but also to his parents and daughter in 1914-1918 and other miscellaneous items. This collection is held as 3DRL/7100. The series became known as AWM25 in the mid 1980s when the Memorial adopted its new numbering system for Official Records. Butler's papers remained uncatalogued until the 1990s when curatorial staff began to list the material.
This series consists of correspondence, diaries, interview notes, journal articles, notebooks, maps, pamphlets and other printed material, reports and statistics used by Butler and his assistants in the writing of the three volumes of the medical official histories. There is also a collection of personal narratives by nurses and doctors which were collected while undertaking research for the volumes. As well as research and background material there are also drafts and notes for various chapters of the official histories. Butler's personal diaries and notebooks relating to his own war service have also been incorporated into this series.
System of arrangement and control:
AWM41 is an artificial series of records progressively obtained from a number of sources. When staff began the arrangement and description of the collection in the early 1990s the collection was only partly controlled. The bulk of the material had previously been arranged using a two number system with the second number in some instances broken down further to include a decimal point e.g. 4/12.16, 4/12.17. Material that was removed from AWM27 and rehoused with AWM41 was renumbered using a single number system. This resulted in two completely different numbering systems.
To overcome this problem curatorial staff decided to abandon all previous systems and started again using a single number system beginning at 1, and continuing serially. Due to the large size of the collection (94 boxes) no attempt has been made to arrange the material in either chronological or subject order. The files have retained their original titles.
- AWM41 16 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Extract from "The Medical Journal of Australia - Australian Army Medical Corps 4th Military District South Australia
- AWM41 49 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Authority for the appointment of a Deputy Director Medical Services [DDMS]
- AWM41 54 - [Official History, 1914-1918 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Letter from C K Parkinson to Colonel A G Butler offering information on the effects of war service
- AWM41 231 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Diseases and disabilities for which pensions are paid]
- AWM41 232 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Disease and disability statistics
- AWM41 280 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Mental cases
- AWM41 290 - [Official History, 1914-1918 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Notes on mental hygiene, psychoneurosis, shell shock and neurasthenic cases
- AWM41 308 - [Official History, 1914-1918 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Disease and disability 1918
- AWM41 320 - [Official History, 1914-1918 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Note by Dr Parkinson - state of health among ex-soldiers
- AWM41 327 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Medical file collated by A G Butler
- AWM41 442 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Writing of Medical History Vol III statistics
- AWM41 526 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Pensions - Onus of Proof
- AWM41 648 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Correspondence from C K Parkinson - pensions re: war neuroses
- AWM41 657 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Mental disorders - includes - psycho-neuroses [post traumatic stress disorder]
- AWM41 658 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Moral and mental disorders]
- AWM41 715 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Pensions problems - Interview with Dr Courtney and Dr Melviell on 1 October 1931 and interview with Sir Richard Stawell on 2 October 1931 - Volume III Chapter XVI
- AWM41 718 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Pensions - Correspondence A J Withers
- AWM41 722 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Pensions - Report on the Royal Commission on the Assessment of War Service Disabilities, 1924]
- AWM41 725 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Volume III Chapter XVI - Pensions - Onus of Proof]
- AWM41 727 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Pensions - Letters - Medical Historian and Dr C A Courtney]
- AWM41 869 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] The Abolition of Flies in Camps Billets and Hospitals
- AWM41 884 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Reports of the Repatriation Commission
- AWM41 915 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Notes for articles for Medical History - The pension problem]
- AWM41 922 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Booklets - AMF instructions for the medical examinations of recruits; Transfusion pannier, Description of equipment and instructions for use; Sample of hospital case card]
- AWM41 937 - [Nurses Narratives] Margaret Aitken
- AWM41 938 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Ruth Allan
- AWM41 939 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Laura M Appleton
- AWM41 940 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Estille Marjorie Armstrong
- AWM41 941 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Lucy T Armstrong
- AWM41 942 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Alma L Bennett
- AWM41 943 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Ethel M Biggs
- AWM41 944 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E Birkin
- AWM41 945 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse D Brinsley
- AWM41 946 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Leila Brown
- AWM41 947 - [Nurses Narratives] H/Sister Mabel Brown
- AWM41 948 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss M K Brown
- AWM41 949 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss Eileen A Burke
- AWM41 950 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse G Burns
- AWM41 951 - [Nurses Narratives] Annie C Cameron
- AWM41 952 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister M E Carr
- AWM41 953 - [Nurses Narratives] Narrative account of No 26 Ambulance Train by Sister H Chadwick
- AWM41 954 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse E L Chaplin
- AWM41 955 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Georgina Collins
- AWM41 956 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse B A Coves
- AWM41 957 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss E A Cuthbert, Associate of the Royal Red Cross (ARRC) Australian Army Nursing Service
- AWM41 958 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E H Cuthbert
- AWM41 959 - [Nurses Narratives] Matron E S Davidson
- AWM41 960 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister G E Davis
- AWM41 961 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister De Mestre
- AWM41 962 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister R Derrer
- AWM41 963 - [Nurses Narratives] E B Dickson
- AWM41 964 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E G Dobson
- AWM41 965 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E M Doepke
- AWM41 966 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Gertrude M Doherty
- AWM41 967 - [Nurses Narratives] Edith V Donaldson
- AWM41 968 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Mary B Donaldson
- AWM41 969 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister G Douglas
- AWM41 970 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Dowling
- AWM41 971 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister N Down
- AWM41 972 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Mary G Dwyer
- AWM41 973 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister L E Fletcher
- AWM41 974 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister M Gibbon
- AWM41 975 - [Nurses Narratives] Principal Matron Ellen Julia Gould
- AWM41 976 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Matron E Gray and Matron McHardie White - letters re personal records of
- AWM41 977 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse F G Gregson
- AWM41 978 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister G A Grewer
- AWM41 979 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister M E Hall
- AWM41 980 - [Nurses Narratives] Nurse S Hetherington
- AWM41 981 - [Nurses Narratives] E L Horne
- AWM41 982 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister A K Isambert
- AWM41 983 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Ruby M Jacka
- AWM41 984 - [Nurses Narratives] Head Sister Jeffries
- AWM41 985 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister F E James-Wallace
- AWM41 986 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse M E Jones
- AWM41 987 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Mary Keating
- AWM41 988 - [Nurses Narratives] Matron A Kellett
- AWM41 989 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Kellick
- AWM41 990 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister C Keys
- AWM41 991 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister R Kirkcaldie
- AWM41 992 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E W King
- AWM41 993 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Z A Lade
- AWM41 994 - [Nurses Narratives] Annie Lardi
- AWM41 995 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister G M Larkan
- AWM41 996 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Catherine E Lethbridge
- AWM41 997 - [Nurses Narratives] F M Looker
- AWM41 998 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister I G Lovell
- AWM41 999 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Annie Low
- AWM41 1000 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E McClelland
- AWM41 1001 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Fay Mackellar
- AWM41 1002 - [Nurses Narratives] Annie MacKenzie
- AWM41 1003 - [Nurses Narratives] Ella McPherson
- AWM41 1004 - [Nurses Narratives] S/Nurse Annie E Major-West
- AWM41 1005 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Kathleen E Maloney
- AWM41 1006 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Isabel C Marum
- AWM41 1007 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Julia Elizabeth Marum
- AWM41 1008 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff-Nurse J M Mathews
- AWM41 1009 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister M H Matthews
- AWM41 1010 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss D Millicent C Michell
- AWM41 1011 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse E N Miller
- AWM41 1012 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister M B Milligan
- AWM41 1013 - [Nurses Narratives] Head Sister N C Morrice
- AWM41 1014 - [Nurses Narratives] H Mars Morton
- AWM41 1015 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse A Nelson
- AWM41 1016 - [Nurses Narratives] Experiences at 38th CCS [Casualty Clearing Station] by Sister Nicholas and Staff/Nurse Redman - 22 to 26 March 1918
- AWM41 1017 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Madge Nisbet
- AWM41 1018 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E J Nobbs
- AWM41 1019 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister J O'Dwyer
- AWM41 1020 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Lily M Payne
- AWM41 1021 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Violet Minnie Payne
- AWM41 1022 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Eleanor Perry
- AWM41 1023 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Pidgeon
- AWM41 1024 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Pierre-Humbert
- AWM41 1025 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss Stella Pines
- AWM41 1026 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E A Purdon
- AWM41 1027 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Ella M Redman
- AWM41 1028 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Richmond
- AWM41 1029 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister I Ritchie
- AWM41 1030 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister G F Robertson
- AWM41 1031 - [Nurses Narratives] Miss P Robertson
- AWM41 1032 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse E S Rogerson
- AWM41 1033 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Beatrice Russell
- AWM41 1034 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Mollie J Ryan
- AWM41 1035 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Scanlan
- AWM41 1036 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Irene E Seuling
- AWM41 1037 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister A E Shadforth
- AWM41 1038 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse Vivian A Lee Shea
- AWM41 1039 - [Nurses Narratives] Mary Grace Sheean
- AWM41 1040 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Edith E Simpson
- AWM41 1041 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister A N Smith
- AWM41 1042 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Leila Smith
- AWM41 1043 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Leila G Smith
- AWM41 1044 - [Nurses Narratives] Myrah Smith
- AWM41 1045 - [Nurses Narratives] N F S Smith
- AWM41 1046 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E L Steadman
- AWM41 1047 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister A H Stone
- AWM41 1048 - [Nurses Narratives] Staff Nurse A B Tapp
- AWM41 1049 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister B A Taylor
- AWM41 1050 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Kathleen Miriam Taylor
- AWM41 1051 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Ruth S Taylor
- AWM41 1052 - [Nurses Narratives] M R Thomas
- AWM41 1053 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E J Tucker
- AWM41 1054 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister E Vickers Foote
- AWM41 1055 - [Nurses Narratives] Bessie McIntosh Waldon
- AWM41 1056 - [Nurses Narratives] Mrs McHardie White
- AWM41 1057 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister B E Williams
- AWM41 1058 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Ada M Willis
- AWM41 1059 - [Nurses Narratives] Matron Grace Wilson
- AWM41 1060 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Miss Woniarski
- AWM41 1061 - [Nurses Narratives] Janet Sinclair Wood
- AWM41 1062 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Wray
- AWM41 1063 - [Nurses Narratives] Amy Eliza Wright
- AWM41 1064 - [Nurses Narratives] Masseuse Miss A Young
- AWM41 1065 - [Nurses Narratives] Sister Louise E Young
- AWM41 1066 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Nursing - Experiences of a Sister of the AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service] with a British Unit (Bessie Belstead)
- AWM41 1067 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Nursing - Dress - Correspondence with Miss I I Lindsay - Note by Sister E Vickers Foote
- AWM41 1068 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Nursing - Personal Narratives - Extracts from letters of Staff Nurse C E Strom - 21 June 1917 - 30 September 1918
- AWM41 1069 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Anonymous Narrative of a sister in the AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service]
- AWM41 1070 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Anonymous - Narrative of a nurse in the AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service]
- AWM41 1071 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Anonymous Narrative of a nurse in the AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service]
- AWM41 1072 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Interviews containing accounts of Nursing experiences in the AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service]. These nurses were interviewed by Matron Kellett [Index to interviews of members of AANS included in file]
- AWM41 1073 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service] General - Problems of the nursing service. Report by Miss Grace Wilson
- AWM41 1074 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] AANS [Australian Army Nursing Service] General - Brief history of the AANS from 1903
- AWM41 1075 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Nursing - Typescript of PP.197 to end of book "The Grey Battalion" by May Tilton
- AWM41 1076 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Nurses' Narrative Index
- AWM41 1077 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Experiences at 38th CCS [Casualty Clearing Station] by Sister Nicholls and Staff Nurse Redman
- AWM41 1078 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Report of Matron and Officer Commanding on HMAHS "KANOWNA"
- AWM41 1114 - [Personal Narratives] Mr A Wardill
- AWM41 1129 - [Personal Narratives] Captain R C Winn
- AWM41 1263 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] Australia At War - Drawings at the Front by Lieutenant Will Dyson - Official Artist AIF
- AWM41 1406 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] British Ministry of Pensions
- AWM41 1426 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] What Medicine owes to war and war owes to Medicine by Major-General R M Downes
- AWM41 1621 - [Official History, 1914-18 War: Records of Arthur G Butler:] [Personal letters and photographs sent to Sydney Morning Herald Editor]
- AWM41 1960 - [Personal Narratives:] Major Leonard May, MC, DSO, MB