Outdoor group portrait of personnel of No 9 Australian Operating Section C Australian Corps of ...

Accession Number 059485
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Faithfull, Arthur John
Place made Australia: Western Australia, Perth, Melville
Date made 31 October 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Outdoor group portrait of personnel of No 9 Australian Operating Section C Australian Corps of Signals. Left to right, front row: WX38756 Signaller (Sig) N E Jupp, WX39127 Sig W M Brabazon, VX131191 Sig H E Bennet, VX131128 Sig A D Livingstone, V72901 Sig G K Findlay, VX89212 Sergeant (Sgt) N A C Solomon, VX139016 Lieutenant A L Verey, Officer in Command, VX118575 Corporal H A Hanna, VX142584 Lance Corporal (L Cpl) P J Sheahan, VX131136 Sig E G Jacobsen, VX89160 Sig J P Druitt, VX89186 Sig F Kemp, VX115427 Sig H E Gillespie. Centre row: WX36019 Sig R L Baron, WX40244 Sig C C Kealley, VX133912 Signaller B S Morris, WX38076 Signaller A B Crooke, VX118592 Sig E W Snibson, VX133707 Corporal S Mirabella, VX131123 Sig L M de la Rue, VX131127 Sig S A Eishold, VX118577 Sig F J Holmes, WX37032 Signaller P G Goudge, VX131136 L Cpl A J S McQueen, VX106924 L Cpl W H Cash. Back row: VX118579 Sig G W Brush, WX40032 Sig G H Quill, VX131198 Sig R M Rashleigh, VX131131 Sig J M Giroud, VX118591 Sig H L Kidd, VX106968 Sig K V McNamara, Sgt S W Gardner, WX37597 Sig K A Wilson, VX89159 Sig E L Doyle, VX106932 Sig C T Debney, VX106963 L Cpl M H Monk, VX89223 Sig E M Wilkes, VX111339 Sig K P Austin.