Zeichnet kriegsanleihe [Subscribe to the War Loan]

Place Europe: Germany, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart
Accession Number ARTV10353
Collection type Art
Measurement Sheet: 81.8 x 57.8 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description lithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Emil Hochdanz
Place made Germany: Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart
Date made 1915-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright unknown - orphaned work


Public subscription to a series of nine war loans provided over 60% of Germany's war costs. Posters promoting war loans aimed to empower and mobilise the civilian public, and became more aesthetically creative as the war went on. Working within an established cultural context, German poster designers could rely on high levels of literacy in the public, and so posters usually incorporated a great deal of written information.
This poster uses block colour, gothic text and a symbolic tower of spears that remain standing in powerful red waves to suggest a united front. Text reads: 'Unity makes Strength. Subscribe to the War Loan!'
This is one of 13 First World War posters purchased by the Memorial at the auction of the Dr Hans Sachs poster collection in 2013.