Pre-war studio portrait of Joseph Bernard McGowan, his wife Margaret (Madge) and their second ...

Accession Number P11699.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour - Toned black & white print
Maker Rodgers, P
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Cobar
Date made c 1904-1905
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Pre-war studio portrait of Joseph Bernard McGowan, his wife Margaret (Madge) and their second born child Amelia. An engineer from Newcastle, NSW, 473 Private McGowan embarked with B Company, 30th Battalion, from Sydney aboard HMAT Beltana (A72) on 9 November 1915. During his service he was promoted to Company Sergeant Major (CSM). In 1917 CSM McGowan was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal in 1917 for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. His citation published in the London and Commonwealth of Australia Gazette reads: "He went forward alone and captured an enemy post, killing or capturing the whole garrison. Later, when an NCO of the company was badly wounded, he went in while under heavy shell and rifle fire and brought him in. His courage and initiative have at all times been a very fine example to his men." CSM McGowan was killed in action in Belgium on 24 March 1918. Joseph and Margaret's daughter Amelia died in January 1905 and their first born son John died in 1903.