Accession Number | AWM30 |
Collection type | Official Record |
Object type | Official Record |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Copying Provisions | Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction. |
Prisoner of war statements, 1914-18 War
The series comprises statements made on repatriation by Australian Imperial Force (AIF) personnel who were prisoners of war of Germany and Turkey during the 1914-1918 War.
Until July 1916 the only Australian prisoners were those taken by the Turks at Gallipoli, their needs being essentially left to friends and some diplomatic (mainly American) assistance. In mid 1916 it was recognised that prisoners of war taken by Germany on the Western Front should be provided for (there were 840 in 25 different camps by November that year, and a total of 3,848 for the period 1916-1918).
A Prisoners of War Department (Secretary, Miss M E Chomley) within the Australian Branch of the British Red Cross Society was formed and, working under the British War Office, was charged with the
responsibility for supply of extra food and clothing. Bread was supplied through the British Section of the "Bureau de Secours aux Prisonniers de Guerre" in Berne, Switzerland. Arrangements for private parcels varied and were less successful.
Some prisoners of war were interned in a neutral country (Holland or Switzerland), others escaped to England. The latter were not required to serve abroad again unless they wished to. Eligibility for early repatriation (exchange) was essentially limited to those prisoners suffering loss of limb or sight, brain damage, paralysis, tuberculosis, etc. After Armistice, the men often had to find their own way back. Repatriation also raised other problems, eg. congestion at reception/embarkation points, prisoners unaccounted for, etc. Over 100 AIF personnel died in captivity, and a number of others were still missing as late as February 1919 despite search parties visiting mines, prisons, camps and hospitals. Prisoners of war had been held in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden and the Middle East. An AIF Standing Committee of Inquiry for Released Prisoners of War was proposed in early 1919 to investigate the circumstances of the capture of AIF personnel. However, in many cases they had already been discharged or had left for Australia.
On repatriation (ie. arrival in England or Egypt) each officer, non-commissioned officer or other rank was required to supply a signed statement (some made more than one statement) setting out his experiences as a prisoner for both administrative and historical purposes. To help with the writing of the official history statements were to be factual, and if they contained information obtained from hearsay this was to be noted. The statements were therefore structured to include the following information:
1) number, rank and name - most statements were made
individually, but a number are joint statements
2) unit to which attached when made prisoner
3) date and place of capture
4) circumstances of capture - details of particular engagement
or raid in all theatres (Western Front, Middle East,
5) treatment after capture - interrogation, medical
treatment, hospitalisation, travel movements, conditions at
place of internment (accommodation, sanitation, recreational
facilities, receipt of letters and parcels), diplomatic
visits, employment (Western Front prisoners of war worked in
quarries, mines, factories, farms, etc.; those in Turkey
mostly worked for the Baghdad Railway Company), mistreatment,
escapes, release (exchange), route of return to England
6) comments on the enemy (Turks and Germans) and civilians
(Arabs, French, Belgians etc.), their circumstances (eg.
scarcity of food) and attitude towards prisoners (including
Russian, French and British prisoners)
7) information about missing men or those who died during
military operations or in captivity (including the location
and marking of graves)
Most statements in AWM30 were made in the period November 1918 to January 1919 to AIF Administrative Headquarters in England. They are mainly typescript, but some are handwritten or photocopies. Those dating 1916-1917 (especially escape stories) were printed for the British War Office, and include a comment on the reliability of the witness and his occupation before the war. The length of the statements varies from a paragraph to several pages. Many carry the Australian War Records Section classification number C 781/-. The series came under Memorial control in early 1959, although it had actually been housed in the building since 1938 (controlled by CA 2001, AIF Base Records Office). The AWM Library file covers for each item (with few exceptions) would date from this time, but the two number system with B (bundle) prefix apparently dates later. The first (bundle) numbers summarise as:
B1. Gallipoli
B2. Palestine (Light Horse and Imperial Camel
B3. Australian Flying Corps (Mesopotamia, Palestine
and France)
B4. Artillery and Tunnelling
B5. 1st Australian Division
B6. 2nd Australian Division
B7. - B9. 3rd Australian Division
B10. - B13. 4th Australian Division
B14. - B16. 5th Australian Division
B17. Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force,
2nd Australian Division
B18. General (includes spare statements and other
miscellaneous documents).
The second part of an item number reflects the item's place in the original bundle. Until early 1992 the series had only been processed to item B17.2.
Apart from an index (AWM139) to individual statements, created by the Memorial in 1985-1986, there is no series archivally related to AWM30. However, additional related sources can be found in AWM10 (Class 4332/- files) and AWM25 (Class 779/- files) in the Official Records Collection, and in 1DRL 428, Australian Branch, British Red Cross Society, Prisoners of War Department files in the Private Records Collection.
- AWM30 B1 - Gallipoli
- AWM30 B2 - Palestine (Light Horse and Imperial Camel Corps)
- AWM30 B3- Australian Flying Corps (Mesopotamia, Palestine and France)
- AWM30 B4 - Artillery and Tunnelling
- AWM30 B5 - 1st Australian Division
- AWM30 B6 - 2nd Australian Division
- AWM30 B9 - Prisoner of war statements, 1914-18 War
- AWM30 B10 - 4th Australian Division
- AWM30 B11 - 4th Australian Division
- AWM30 B13 - 4th Australian Division
- AWM30 B14 - Prisoner of war statements, 1914-18 War
- AWM30 B16 - 5th Australian Division
- AWM30 B17 - Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force, 2nd Australian Division