Photographs, 214994 Sergeant Clive Coleman Millen, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment

Accession Number P12616.043
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Unknown
Date made 1 February 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Status to be assessed


Group portrait of 'Charlie' Company, 3TB. Identified, back row, left to right: Corporal (Cpl) Whitehouse; 214994 Sergeant (Sgt) Clive Coleman Millen; Hayes; Donnelly; McKeown; Mackrill; Loxton; Walter; Caskey; Eaton; Private (Pte) Mikle. Second row, left to right: Cpl Kelly; Cameron; Sgt Ward; Sgt Toohey; Sgt Jago; Sgt Golledge; Sgt Baugh; Staff Sgt Zenner; Cpl Evan; Henderson; Zemski; Cockburn. Front row, left to right: 217595 2nd Lieutenant (2nd Lt) Brian Geoffrey Longue; 2nd Lt Hill; Lt Thompson; Captain (Capt) O'Connor; Major Barratt; 13763 Warrant Officer Class 2 John Alexander Smitheringale; 2nd Lt Geyl; 2nd Lt Leggett; 2nd Lt Plumber; 2nd Lt Rinkin (probably 217479 Kerry Patrick Rinkin, died of wounds on 7 April 1967, Vietnam). Inset, left to right: Cpl Griffin; Pte Foale; Sgt Macdonald; Cpl Leefson (possibly 43651 Anthony Desmond Leefson); possibly 1410706 Kenneth Thomas O'Doherty.